Ireland's Four Courts
Partner Spotlight
"You could kick a football straight up the street, back then!" That's David Cahill, General Manager of Ireland's Four Courts, registering both his chagrin and satisfaction with the growth of the Courthouse community since 1996 when Four Courts opened its doors. "Today, Wilson Blvd. is just jammed with traffic on a Saturday morning." Such is the difference almost two decades of steady commercial and residential growth makes.
Ireland's Four Courts at 2051 Wilson Blvd. is located in the heart of Courthouse, just two blocks from the district court complex, Arlington Courthouse Plaza, and Court House Metro Station. A Capital Bike Share station is just steps from the front door. Despite available parking in back, Cahill says virtually all of his clientele arrive on foot.
"We're a family spot as much as a pub, with most people coming in from the immediate residential community," he explains. Four Courts has a popular happy hour that attracts a mix of area professionals as well as a significant contingent of families. "Most of our guests are coming in at the end of the work day for the happy hour, and then there's musical entertainment every evening for the night crowd - Karaoke, on Sunday nights!"
"We're really happy to be a Car-Free Diet Partner," offers Cahill. "Along with the display of Car-Free Diet literature, we have more bus routes available at the entryway." Cahill mentions that his staff also makes use of the Car-Free Diet website to check bus routes and schedules. The staff often offers transportation tips and information to interested patrons.
How do employees commute to work? Cahill said that his employees travel to work one of three ways. He estimates a third drive; others use Metro; and ten or fifteen regularly bicycle.
Cahill, an avid runner, started the annual "Four Courts Four Miler" in 2010, which has quickly become a local favorite, selling out each year.
The Washington Post said Ireland's Four Courts is, "an authentic Dublin pub experience." Cahill invites you to sample the Irish pub fare, book a private space for your special occasion and cheer on your favorite sports team.
Ireland's Four Courts
2051 Wilson Boulevard
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Bikes counted
View Counter Data- 110 Trail
- 83
- 14th Street Bridge
- 205
- Arlington Mill Trail
- 81
- Ballston Connector
- 0
- Bluemont Connector
- 84
- CC Connector
- 63
- Clarendon EB bike lane
- 125
- Custis Bon Air Park
- 131
- Custis Rosslyn
- 221
- Eads NB
- 40
- Eads SB
- 45
- Fairfax EB bike lane
- 44
- Fairfax WB
- 43
- Joyce St NB
- 0
- Joyce St SB
- 0
- Key Bridge East
- 344
- Key Bridge West
- 254
- Military NB bike lane
- 4
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- 8
- MVT Airport South
- 237
- Quincy NB bike lane
- 19
- Quincy SB bike lane
- 15
- Roosevelt Bridge
- 78
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- 212
- TR Island Bridge
- 0
- WOD Bon Air Park
- 0
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- 178
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- 179
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- 90
Peds counted
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- 53
- 14th Street Bridge
- 205
- Arlington Mill Trail
- 418
- Ballston Connector
- 0
- Bluemont Connector
- 793
- CC Connector
- 312
- Custis Bon Air Park
- 533
- Custis Rosslyn
- 447
- Eads NB
- 0
- Eads SB
- 0
- Fairfax WB
- 0
- Joyce St NB
- 0
- Joyce St SB
- 0
- Key Bridge East
- 1610
- Key Bridge West
- 343
- MVT Airport South
- 350
- Roosevelt Bridge
- 130
- TR Island Bridge
- 0
- WOD Bon Air Park
- 0
- WOD Bon Air West
- 756
- WOD Columbia Pike
- 522
All counters, YTD
View Counter Data- Year to Date
- 586102